PS Money Advice
Pennysmart CIC offers telephone and digital advice and casework services.
PS Money Advice Service provides free-to-client, impartial, confidential money, and debt advice either by telephone and/or digitally (dependent on client’s needs). We are FCA authorised for debt counselling, we are licensed Debt Relief Order Intermediaries (DRO), approved for the Debt Respite Scheme or ‘Breathing Space’ in England and Wales.
We hold the Advice Quality Standard (AQS) and IAQF Wales for advice with casework and telephone advice with external audit 2 yearly. All our advisers are either qualified to or working towards the Institute of Money Advisers Cert. Money Advice Practice.
We are members of Advice UK the UK’s network of independent advice agencies.

What our advice clients tell us
- "Fantastic service, changed my life, thank you."
- "When I had a phone call off Pennysmart she listened to my problems and was very caring. She made me feel there is light at the end of the tunnel their service was excellent."
- "Reassurance given at all times; information was understandable. All the staff I spoke with were so kind this helped me get through this terrible time."
- "I honestly don’t think I’d still be here if not for Pennysmart. Things were looking very grim. I’m so grateful for all the help and understanding I received. Thank you to each and everyone."
- "Pennysmart have been a lifeline helping to resolve a situation which caused me considerable stress and upset. The situation is now resolved, and a huge weight has been lifted off me. Thank you."
Who can we help?
PS are currently able to help households who do not have enough money coming in to cover basic living costs, pay bills and/or juggling problem debts. Check if we are operating in your area and to view our up to date eligibility criteriaWhen is our service available?
PS advice and casework services are open Mon to Fri: 9am to 5pm (except bank holidays).
or Text/SMS/WhatsApp on 07934901186

What to expect from PS Money Advice?
Advice begins with a Money Health Check, appointments available in 7-10 days, sooner if required.
Our advisers will put together a budget of income and expenditure with a list of any assets and debts owed. They then collaborate with a client to maximise their income, reduce bills, regain control of their money, and choose a suitable debt solution where required.
Once an initial advice session is complete our adviser will complete a ‘Summary of Advice’ information pack, detailing actions required to stabilise the household finances and escape any problem debt. Typically, advice progresses at the client’s pace and can take from 2 to 5 weeks to complete. At this point clients can act on that advice without further support.
However, if our client lacks the skills, confidence, or motivation to act alone they can access ongoing support through our casework support service.

Prepare for Money Advice
Pennysmart CIC advisers need to understand someone’s finances, to give the best tailored advice and support.
Clients can opt to do this with an adviser, in a prebooked telephone appointment, but it takes around 60 minutes and is not for everyone. A client would need to be able to give us details of wages, benefits, and other income; amounts for bills such as rent, mortgage, council tax, energy, water, travel, insurances, and household spending such as telephones, food etc.
If someone is short on time or focus, they can complete a printable household budget form, then return as an email attachment or by freepost envelope.
IEHUB Is a free online tool that enables sharing of financial information with Pennysmart CIC so we can offer the advice and support needed to regain control of money and deal with debts.
IEHUB can be accessed 24/7 from a smartphone or other device, no phone calls, no forms to complete and no costs.
What to expect from Casework Support?
Some clients require longer term support from dedicated advice caseworkers to progress recommendations detailed in their Summary of Advice. Here PS caseworkers will support the client to maximise income, balance their budget, negotiate with creditors and/or access a formal debt solution, including DRO’s where appropriate.
Typically, clients experience a longer-term relationship with PS casework support service that can involve multiple interventions over a period of months rather than weeks.

Prepare for Casework Support
Our casework support service is free to clients most in need and is not conditional upon specific debt solutions chosen.
To access casework support clients, need to return key documents for PS to follow compliance and regulatory requirements, such as signed client consent, agreement and data privacy forms, proof of income and details of any debts. Depending on client circumstances and needs we may also require medical evidence to support their case.
Forms and documents can be sent to us in a variety of ways to suit (hardcopy and digital), please contact us for further information.
Referring your clients to PS
If your client meets our eligibility criteria you can refer through our digital portal
If you are not sure and need to speak to our advice team before making a referralyou can contact the team by calling 01244 651210 or email: advice@pennysmart.org.uk